The One Productivity Mistake That Every ThinkUP Leader Makes

What you hold in your head and your heart is so important.


Your vision of better, of what could be, of the beauty

that’s possible even when things seem so dark, so ugly,

so impossible.


With so many angles lit up, you can likely see all the many different things that need to be changed or taken care of.


You have the energy + passion.




By the end of your day, you often struggle with effectively finishing ONE task.


Well, guess what?


You’re not alone.


Many high-performing leaders, especially my ThinkUP friends, often struggle with this exact thing.


I’m no productivity coach, but I do know a thing or two about mastering your mindset so that you can achieve more in less time.


So, if you want to be super productive, then focus on ONE thing at a time.


*Find the ONE thing in your business that will catapult and shift everything.  This is the central seed that makes up the totality of your vision and core business model.


This is the ONE thing that, many times, only you can do.


This thing can’t be outsourced, delegated, or passed onto your team.


This is YOUR thing.


And for most of us, it’s using our VOICE to activate the vision of others.

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