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Dr. Jinneh is the founder and Chief ThinkUP Officer of The ThinkUP Group, a Dallas- based leadership consulting firm, and The ThinkUP Speakers Academy.  You can learn more about her story and how she got started here.

Dr. Jinneh specializes in helping thought leaders develop healthy mental habits by building their mental strength and mental stamina.

 She is also irrationally passionate about helping speakers MAXIMIZE their message so that they can MONETIZE their mission.

 Dr. Jinneh works with academic institutions, government agencies, corporations, community organizations, and entrepreneurs who desire to build their mental strength and enhance their mental stamina.

She also teaches high-performing leaders how to MAXIMIZE their message by building profitable and impactful speaking businesses.  Specifically, she helps them secure five and 6-figure speaking contracts.

Most of her current ThinkUP friends hire her for keynote speeches and corporate training, which includes but not limited to the following:

  • Professional development training (schools/universities)
  • Executive/Leadership coaching
  • Organizational consulting, and 
  • Mental health education and awareness

She also offers training for leaders who are interested in building a profitable speaking business:  

  • Pick My Brain
  • VIP Intensives
  • Group Coaching

We are so glad you asked! Dr. Jinneh is America’s #1 ThinkUP friend, so when you hire Dr. Jinneh, she will leave you speechless and begging for more.

Dr. Jinneh is a dynamic and transformative speaker who engages and educates her audiences by infusing thought-provoking stories to shift their thinking. We promise, how you walk into the room will not be how you leave.  The T.A.H.O. method coupled with The Power of 63 is a complete game-changer.

If you are interested in hiring Dr. Jinneh as your speaking coach, you will be ready to “drop the mic.” Dr. Jinneh will help you craft and deliver a magnetic message like the pro you are.  You will also walk away with a customized strategy on MAXIMIZE your message and MONETIZE your mission. Need help with developing your pitch, crafting a proposal, or building a dynamic team to help you secure more engagements? We have you covered! Our program is NOT just for those with speaking experience; it is for high-performing leaders who believe that the world is THEIR stage!