The 3 Things Successful Communicators Do Daily

You know those ambitious go-getters who seem to know WHAT to say and HOW to say it?

They have a natural way of combining communication AND connection in all they do in every moment they show up.

For some reason, people agree with them, want to

work with them and follow them.

If you can believe there’s such a thing as a secret formula in communicating with courage and confidence, then stay tuned as I’m going to give you all the deets.

Here are 3 Things that successful communicators do daily.

1 — Ask questions, not with an investigative vibe, but with a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm

2 — Listen to what others say to them, not as a way to appear intelligent, but as a way to understand the person they’re communicating with truly

3 — Make points and connections with new information, not with the air of being an annoying know-it-all, but with the almost childlike desire to see how one thing leads to another and how everything is connected to everything else.

And to top it OFF, they do it with courage and confidence.  They are not afraid to speakUP, and they know that they are the ANSWER.


There you have it.

You can do this.

Let me know which one of these communication principles you’re going to work on TODAY ?

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