It’s okay to NOT be okay

I am NOT okay and it’s okay…no sympathy needed…just hear me out….

I recently had a conversation with my speaking coach and mentor and I shared with him that I was in a season where I was being developed. And let me be perfectly clear, it ain’t easy.

When I was living life, without a care in the world and not one notion of pursuing purpose, life was smooth, with only a few bumps.  It was not until I said yes to my dreams, yes to my purpose, and yes to living totally for God that life became an emotional roller coaster.  My life as I had known it was flipped upside down and turned inside out. Comfort and security became a distant memory as I was challenged to learn how to trust God with my “daily bread”.  This morning during my devotion, my spiritual teacher said that “opposition leads to advancement”. The more struggle and tug, the higher the elevation. The more resistance, the stronger the reposition.

While, I know that trouble doesn’t last always and that this too shall past, or even the mantra that what doesn’t kill me will make me stronger…this ish still hurts.  It is hard, it is uncomfortable, and it is even discouraging at times. Although I don’t like being in this place, I see the value, I see the fruit, and most importantly I see how it is ALL working together.  Therefore, in seasons where you must endure the “stretching”, the “tugging”, and even isolation know that it is perfectly ok to not be ok. The key to all of this is to simply acknowledge your feelings, press in more to God, and to continue to ThinkUP.  Remember what you visualize is what will materialize….stay the course……you got this!



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