What I learned from my 3rd grade teacher…


What I Learned From My 3rd Grade Teacher……

It’s quite intriguing how the brain works. If you asked me what I ate for lunch yesterday, I would probably not be able to tell you exactly, but if you ask me to name EVERY one of my teachers from Pre-K to 5th grade I can do it in a heartbeat.

While I have many favorites and learned tremendously from each and every one of them I can vividly recall preparing to take a spelling test and one of the sweetest teachers you would ever meet, Mrs. Rhonda Cunningham said in a sweet, but firm voice to “keep our eyes on our own paper”.

I didn’t know why she felt the need to tell us that because I always had one of the highest grades in the class.  My mama would drill me the entire week leading up to the test to make sure that I knew how to spell every word as well as use it in a sentence.  She didn’t just allow me to settle with spelling it, but I also had to demonstrate my proficiency. So when Mrs. Cunningham would tell us to “keep our eyes on our paper,” I thought that it was the strangest thing ever.  It wasn’t until a few years later that I realized why some of my dear classmates needed to be told that.

Now at 36 and 364 days old Mrs. Cunningham’s infamous words have resurfaced but in a different and more profound way.

Now, when I hear those words I am reminded of the power of keeping my eyes on my own paper.

My own story.

My own successes.

My own strengths.

My own struggles.

My own dreams.

My own desires.

My own goals.

My own marriage.

My own children.

My own mission.

My own purpose.

My own calling.

And my own MONEY!

One of the most self-sabotaging and dangerous things to do is to focus on the “paper” of others.  If you are not careful, you will find yourself comparing and analyzing where you are as it aligns to where you think you should be.  You will find yourself scrolling these highlight reels on social media and comparing your real natural body to those fake Instagram models and celebs (real story).

Regardless of where you are, remember you are exactly where you are supposed to be and that your story is your story.  If you like it, then great, if not then change it.  But, most importantly keep your eyes on your own paper!

Until next time,


P.S. My birthday is today (February 8th) and I am super excited….so stay tuned as I am dropping some goodies throughout the day!!!

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