Create Your Finish…#ThinkUP Tuesday [Part 1 of 5]

Over the weekend…I did something that I have wanted to do for OVER 15 years……….

Keep scrolling……to see what it was……….

My Childhood Home

This is my childhood home.
This is where dreams were dreamt.
Goals were set.
My purpose was established.
Memories were made.
Love was created.
Lessons were learned.
This was the place where I learned how to push past my pain, heal from my hurt, and turn my obstacles into opportunities.
This is the place where I clung tight to “Depression” as she was my only consistent source. She was never my enemy, but my darkest friend.
This was the place where my greatest blessing soon became my biggest burden.
In this place, my innocence of being a child vanished away as I had to literally grow up overnight.
This is the place where my secret prayers turned into desperate pleas for God to take my pain away as life at the time was just too much to bear.
But in this place, I learned that I was BIGGER than any obstacle or storm that I would ever face.
In this place, I learned that my struggles would one day become my strengths.
In this place, I learned that my tests would birth my testimonies.
In this place, I learned that the messes I created in my life were all apart of God’s master plan.
In this place, I learned that everything I need is already inside of me.
In this place, I learned forgiveness and the power of redemption.
In this place, I learned how to use my imagination as the frame for creating my reality.
In this place, I learned how to soar.
How to win….
But most importantly I learned how to #ThinkUP and create the future that I desired!
No matter your start you have the power to create your finish…..
This week I encourage you to think of ONE thing that you need to start and/or finish this quarter? Just ONE thing! Why? Because I believe it is #winning season!
Be sure to follow me on social media @Dr.JinnehDyson and use #ThinkUP
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